How many employees I can have?

The company can create a  list of employees based on the payroll without any limitation.
Demo or Trial account have 2 employees and 50 customers limit  by default

Who can organize the employee list?

The Company manager, owner, CEO can organize employee list 

What does the employee list display?

The employee list displays employee’s ID, name, (E-Set Id internal e-mail setting status, employee status (active, inactive), e-mail, phone number, employee’s role, group and team.   

What is the employee’s ID

You can use it for any purpose to identify the employee.  ID will be generated by our ERP-CRM system.     

What is E-set?

E-set is an internal e-mail setting status. If this status is active it means that your email account is connected to ERP-CRM system, fnd you can use internal functionality to send and receive email from the customers.     

What is Role?

Role is a particular feature allowing the employee to have access to and perform some additional operations. The Role is assigned to the employee only by CEO, owner, or company manager. For example, the company’s accountant has nothing to do with the product packing. However, the company manager can assign this role to the accountant who then will be able to see on the screen product packing procedure and perform any operations thereupon. It is also possible to manage the menu links and some functionality of the system.      

What does the Group stand for?  

A number of individuals who have almost the same unifying duties, frequent business interactions, regular contacts, and common set of goals: Office group, Warehouse group, Tax & Accountant group, etc. An unlimited number of groups can be created. Each employee is assigned to a group according to the payroll: however, any employee can belong to several groups simultaneously. It depends on much degree on the company’s manager or owner’s decision. 

The group name reflects professional identity. The group description describes what the group is dealt with. Empl. QTY – shows how many people in this group by clicking on the number you can a whole list of employees assigned to this group. Team QTY – how many people in a team consequently. Action – in the group list you have locked groups by default which can not be deleted. However, the manager can modify the name of the group (if it is necessary). The group that was created by the company manager can be easily edited and deleted.

Why do we need a Team?

A group can contain a few teams. For example, the company has a maintenance and service group with two maintenance teams working on night and daily shifts. Team creation is optional.

How to create a new employee?

  • Profile tab – only a Company manager, CEO, or owner can create a new employee by entering all necessary information in the fields. More employee roles can be created and modified  in “Setting” section (if required).  
  • Password tab – by making up the password the indicator will automatically display the complexity: the more percentage of complexity it shows, the more secure the password is
  • Secure pin – secure pin is a sort of e-sign that you will need to enter before  proceeding with some further operations. The secure pin consists of 4 digits (it is similar to credit card pin).

What is Instant Messages History?

This page will collect the history of messages which have been received from the employees. ( see more details in Instant messages).    

Employee buffer?

The employee can choose the product from the warehouse product list and send  it to Buffer by clicking on a “BUFFER” icon. Thus the list of products can be created on the Buffer page and sent to the customer for review either by SMS or by e-mail. Additionally, the list of the product can be used for printing the labels with QR code of  any product or for forming an order to send it to the supplier either by e-mail or by SMS. 


Account summary

This is a dashboard that contains all information about your current account limitation. By default, for example, the company is limited to have 20 employees and 200 customers.

What is Supplier list?

Supplier list is contractors that supply goods and services. Each product is assigned to a definite Supplier.

  • Account # is generated by the system
  • Status – indicates if the supplier active or inactive. 
  • QTY of products  – how many goods in quantification have been delivered.

How to create a New Supplier?

In order to create a New Supplier it is necessary in the left bar menu to click on a  New Supplier link. In Supplier Profile all fields have to be filled out in Personal and Billing tabs

Advance Secure

It is intended for securing the system from scam, data theft, undesirable visitors. 

It allows to limit and filter the visitors to access to the company account from a definite IP address, city or country.  Additionally we can set up access from the office only.


  1. Managing the system’s mailbox doesn’t have any difference from any existing mail services. All e-mails are automatically sorted out by customers. 


  • What is Customer List?

A list of customers who placed an order with the company. The Company maintain  the customer list in order to continue business relationship. 

Client ID is generated by the system or can be imported from the customer database.

If you  mouse over  Client Name you can see the Client’s personal details. By clicking Client  ID you can modify the customer’s information.

Customer list includes simple and advanced search.

Simple search – it can be done in the field  “Search”. By using it, the system looking for any word in all columns. 

Advanced search – more accurate search engine with the help of which you can search the exact information you need. Advanced search is located above the Customer list table and it is an orange horizontal bar menu. If you mouse over any of them and click, then a window pops up and you can continue any search by this column.

Flashing green light against any customer’s name  means that company’s employee is working with this customer and the customer is active. 

  1. What does “My Customer” mean?

Each employee or manager has an account. When the employee (or manager) creates a new customer and fulfils any kind of operation with this customer, it is automatically registered in the “My Customer” page.

  1. How to create a new customer?

Click on New Customer link and fill out all necessary fields. The customer means either the company or individual depending on the business the company is engaged.  It is also possible to insert the customers photo (or Logo): it can be done if you mouse over the “circle” where the photo is supposed to be and click on it. The picture can be imported from your folder or simply drag & drop.


  • All Tasks

This page demonstrates all processing tasks and notifications.

  1. What is my Task?

All processing tasks and notifications which I am working with. In order to create a new task click on the green button . Each task has reminder, which can send both SMS and E-mail for a definite period of time..


  • What is Document list?

Document list contains all documents that circulate in the company with reference both to the employees and the customers. Document List has a structure of a tree and you can select any file from the tree… As soon as you have selected any file, a horizontal bar menu pops up with the help of which you can do changes. It has many functions and you can create folders. Files, copy and paste, drag & drop file between folders etc.

In a preview area you can see a file that has been downloaded. The system supports most of the popular formats. Advance features allows to send the files for e-sign or for review both to employee or to customers by SMS or E-mail. 

  1. My Document List

A list of documents which contains the documents you are personally working with.

  1. How to create a New Document? 

Any documents can be created with unlimited amount of pages. The document’s standard default format is “Letter”. Each document can include active values and can be saved in the corresponding folder. It is also to parse and replace placeholders within the document.

  1. Document Groups

This page shows the Group List with the documents divided by groups: customer, company, shared customers, etc. It is possible to create any Document  Group and give it any name you need. The green light against any group indicates the active status. If you want to make it inactive, you need to click on edit and in the popped up window uncheck the box An inactive status will be shown in red.



  • Order Summary

This is a  brief informative tiles and charts about all orders of your current account. 

  1. How to create a new order?

Warehouse order is a document that consists of warehouse items. All warehouse items are  gathered up into warehouse orders according to the customers’ needs. 

While forming  new orders they pass through the steps of warehouse order creation process. A new order page allows employee to select a customer from a drop down list, to mention the purpose of the order, to sort out the Order Category, including Order tracking number or other identification. In case if there is no the required Order Category, it can be added or modified by mousing over the gear-wheel next to the Order Category field.

Employee can add to the Order as many items as it is necessary by auto search product. The system creates the order number and calculate the total amount that is due including tax.

When the order processing is completed it is possible to assign it for packing to any warehouse employee by clicking the icon and choosing any warehouse employee to complete the packing. Warehouse worker will receive notification about new order in Instant message and by SMS. All orders can be converted to pdf format and printed. Employee can generate Invoice, convert to pdf and print it. There is a unique real time stock system which identify the stock items. Sometimes the items can be out of stock. In this case employee can create a backorder and transfer the items to the backorder which are currently out of stock. 

The backordered items are shipped to the customer as soon as the warehouse receives the items. 

  The order can be created: 1. Manually by using “New order” link. 2. From the warehouse by using warehouse “Product List” 3. From Public website.

  1. What does “Processing Order” mean?

A “Processing Order” is an informative page with all comprehensive data such as: order status that indicates if the order is being processed or packed, order number, customer name etc. It is possible to correct the packing or process procedure by clicking on the icon “process” or “packing” in the status column. If it is necessary for the employee to check out all processed (or processing) orders of any customer, all that has to be done is to click on any customer’s name in the column “Customer”.

  1. What is My Order?

After the order has been processed, it will be assigned for packing to any warehouse employee by the manager. Warehouse employe on the page “My order” can see all the  orders which have to be taken care of. By clicking on icon ‘packing” the warehouse employee can see the list of the items that has to be packed up. 

  1. What does “Orders Packing” stand for?

Orders packing page shows all orders which are being packed now including the name of the customer. If you click on the “packing” icon, the system will show you the items which are being packed up. If you 

  1. Why do we need Archived Orders?

This is the list of completed orders.

  1. What is  Canceled Order?

All orders which have been canceled under various reasons.


  1. What is Order Setting intended for?

      8.1 Order and Invoice Groups

All items falls under definite category of products. In order not to mix all them up and to have a clear separation of them, it is recommended to divide the Orders into groups. The employee can add a new group or edit a created one. If you want to add a new group you go to link “add/edit group”. Having added a group you set it active or inactive status by checking the box       

8.2  Shipping Companies?

Pick up any Courier to ship the goods to the customer.


  • Why do we need Warehouse Summary

This is a  brief informative tiles about total stock, taken items today and last month and also charts which analyse most profitable and popular items.

  1. What is Warehouse Product list? 

Product list is a database which contains company’s entire stock of goods and includes detailed information about each item that the company sells: product number, product name, category, custom option, etc. It can also give information about product status if the item is in stock or not, and how many items have previously been taken. 

A product list has a few convenient options that allows employee to edit and modify the product right on this page by using different icons.

2.1 Why do I need BUFFER 

Employee can choose product from the warehouse product list and send  it to Buffer by clicking on a “BUFFER” icon. Thus the list of products can be created on the Buffer page and sent to the customer for review either by SMS or by e-mail. Additionally the list of product can be used for printing the labels with QR code of  any product or for forming an order to send it to supplier either by e-mail or by SMS. 

2.2 How to edit in the same page?

Warehouse employee can edit the product on the same page by clicking on edit icon. By scrolling down the page, employee can also pick up one or more products for editing. 

2.3 How to edit on new page?

Warehouse employee can edit the product on a new page by clicking on edit icon. In this case the editing is processed on a new page and in order to pick the other product  the employee must go back to Warehouse Product List.

2.4 How to send product to Order?

When the product editing is finished, it can be sent to Order by clicking on Order icon.  

2.5 Product list includes simple and advanced search.

Simple search – it can be done in the field  “Search”. By using it, the system looking for any word in all columns. 

Advanced search – more accurate search engine with the help of which you can search the exact information you need. Advanced search is located above the Customer list table and it is an orange horizontal bar menu. If you mouse over any of them and click, then a window pops up and you can continue any search by this column.

  1. How to create a New Product?

When you find yourself on the New Product page, you have to fill out all fields. All products fall under proper Category. In order to include the product in the proper Category, the latter must be created first. 

The Product Category can be created both ways: 

  1. Creating the Category by clicking on the gear-wheel on the right side of the field     
  2. Or following the link “Product Category” in the left bar menu by opening the drop down list “Warehouse Setting”.

     3.1   SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)   

SKU is generated by the system. There is also a Barcode link reader     

      3.2 Warehouse: add product to warehouse

A list of several warehouses can be created (if required). You can create a list by using two ways:

  1. Adding or modifying warehouse by clicking on the gear-wheel on the right side of the field:
  2. Or following the link “Warehouse List” in the left bar menu by opening the drop down list “Warehouse Setting”.
  1. Product Item type

The company can create  a listing of products both by using “Product Item Type” field on the “New Product” page and following the link “Product Item Type” in the left bar menu by opening the drop down list “Warehouse Setting”. The procedure is exactly the same as  in the previous example. Each product has a single SKU.       

  1. Custom Option.

Each product can have custom options with variety of features.  The procedure of creating the “Custom Option” is exactly the same as  in the previous example. 

  • Warehouse stock

1.1 History of taken

A list of products which have been sold to customers. The page demonstrates the number of items sold, customers, and total items left.

If you mouse over the product name in the column “Product Name”. You can see a product details in the popped up window. 

1.2. My History of Taken

A list of products which have been sold to customers from the account of the definite employee. Any employee can see his/her own history of the sold, supplied items. The  page demonstrates the number of items sold, customers, and total items left 

If you mouse over the product name in the column “Product Name”. You can see a product details in the popped up window. 

1.3 Warehouse Stock Balance

This page shows one of the most important information about the items: in stock, ordered, available. In the column In Stock there is a number of items in stock. In order to add items in stock it is necessary to click on the icon . Apart from the other standard columns an employee can see in the column “ACTION” the order list with the items. However, the manager has the right to see the history of adding the items to the stock by clicking on the icon.

1.4 History of Stock Balance

This page simply demonstrates the History of items added quantity, last quantity, and last in stock quantity. The rest of the information on this page is absolutely standard with the name of supplier, product name, etc.

1.5 Warehouse Broken Items

A list of broken items which shows how many broken items have been taken away from delivery. 


  • Inventory Items

The Inventory items stand for property inventory of your company. All company’s property is listed and shown on the page with a special Item and Inventory numbers.  It is also possible to see the property location and the person who is responsible for it; the purchase price and the life cycle cost.

  1. New inventory

You can create a new inventory item with location, responsible person etc.

  1. Inventory category

All office property is divided into category. It is possible to create any category for the property inventory.

  1. Property  Inventory location

There is a property location module that allows you to localize any property inventory.


  • Invoice summary

It is a dashboard that summarizes all the company’s sales information including total number of invoices, outstanding balance etc.

  1. Outstanding balance

This page shows you the invoice that has not been yet paid in full by the customer. The Invoice can be paid partially and in this case the outstanding debt is only due for the rest of unpaid amount. The table also shows when the invoice was created and when the invoice was due.You can see the Clients profile as well by clicking on the Name of the Customer. If the payment is done, then it is registered in the system by clicking on the icon  and all relevant fields must be filled out. If you make up your mind to send an invoice to the customer by email you can do it right from the same “Outstanding balance” page by clicking on the icon . The file-invoice is attached automatically in pdf format. 

  1. Invoice List

A list of all invoices issued and registered. You can edit any Invoice by clicking on it. It also possible to go to Clients profile to see how many purchases the Client has made with the Company.

  1. Paid Invoices

A list of all invoices which have been paid. It is possible to see the Invoice by clicking on it and also to see the Clients details. 

  1. New Invoice

You issue a new Invoice on the page “New Invoice” by filling out all mandatory fields. 

  1. Invoice Item List


  1. Invoice Setting

This module allows you to modify any Invoice setting: Invoice and Order Groups, payment method, etc.


  • SMS List

SMS list shows all sms sent and received.


  • Expense List

All expenses the company paid in order to provide the regular function of the company’s business.

  1. New Expense

When the company buys some property inventory the “New Expense” page has to be filled out. Choose the category of expenses and the location where a new property will be localised. 

  1. Expense Category

On this page you can create any category which  the expense falls under.


In this module you 

IThe only thing you to pay attention to is a field called “SET EMPLOYEE ROLE”. From the drop down list you select the role that is to assigned to an employee. In case if you don’t have a required role it can be easily created. Mouse over to the gear-wheel next to this field on the right side and click on it. A new window appears. In this window you create a new Role with description and by checking the box “Role Status” the employee is going to be active; if the box is not checked the employee will remain disabled.